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MOXI Laser

Beautifully New is thrilled to announce that we’ve introduced a new device to our stellar lineup of laser treatments: MOXI Laser. This cutting-edge device is specifically designed for prejuvenation — it can stimulate collagen production, delay signs of aging, and maintain a youthful complexion! Remain effortlessly youthful with MOXI Laser in Park Ridge, IL.

Delay Signs Of Aging With MOXI Laser

MOXI Laser is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment that offers a non-surgical solution to combat and delay visible signs of aging. This non-ablative laser device stimulates collagen production, diminishes fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, and improves skin texture and tone. MOXI Laser can target areas such as the face, neck, and hands, providing a refreshed and youthful appearance. MOXI Laser is designed to boost collagen production without damaging your skin, so you don’t have to worry about downtime!

MOXI Laser Treats:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age spots and sun damage
  • Pigmentation issues
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Skin laxity
  • Dull complexion

How MOXI Laser Works

MOXI Laser is a 1927nm fractionated laser that delivers precise microbeams of laser energy to the skin’s surface, creating controlled zones of thermal injury. In response, the body initiates a natural healing process, prompting collagen production and the replacement of damaged skin cells. This regenerative effect leads to improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and a youthful appearance, making MOXI Laser a powerful solution for skin rejuvenation.

Advantages of MOXI Laser:

  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Little to no downtime
  • Versatile treatment areas
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Improves skin texture
  • Enhances overall complexion
  • Delays the signs of aging
  • Helps you maintain a youthful complexion

MOXI Laser Preparation Guidelines:

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning for a week before treatment.
  • Discontinue the use of retinoids and certain skincare products as advised.
  • Avoid using blood-thinning medications like aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • Inform your provider of any recent skin conditions or infections.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a well-balanced diet.
  • Arrive with clean, makeup-free skin on the day of your session.
  • Wear comfortable clothing to ensure ease during treatment.
  • Discuss any concerns or questions with your provider before the procedure.

Your MOXI Laser Session

During your MOXI Laser session, the targeted areas on your skin will be cleansed and prepared. You’ll have to wear protective glasses for your eyes. The 1927nm fractionated laser will be applied to your skin, creating controlled micro-injuries to stimulate rejuvenation.

You will feel a mild sensation of warmth during the procedure. Afterward, there’s minimal downtime, and you can typically resume your daily activities after a few hours.

MOXI Laser Aftercare Guidelines:

  • Apply the recommended post-treatment products.
  • Use sunscreen with high SPF to shield treated areas from UV damage.
  • Keep the treated skin clean and avoid harsh chemicals or exfoliants.
  • Minimize sun exposure for at least a week after each session.
  • Stay well-hydrated to support skin healing and collagen production.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and excessive heat for a few days post-treatment.
  • Attend follow-up appointments as scheduled for optimal results.

Social or Professional Downtime?

There is minimal social or professional downtime with the MOXI Laser. After treatment, you will experience mild redness and swelling for a day or two. Makeup can be applied immediately, and most activities can be resumed immediately. However, it’s best to avoid vigorous exercise and sun exposure for a few days to ensure a smooth recovery.

Results: Onset & Longevity

After MOXI Laser treatment, you can expect to see initial improvements in your skin’s texture and tone within a week or two. Optimal results typically develop over a few months as collagen production continues. With proper skincare maintenance, these benefits can be long-lasting, helping you enjoy rejuvenated skin for an extended period.

The Optimal Frequency of Sessions

For the best results, the optimal frequency of MOXI Laser sessions typically ranges from 2 to 4 treatments, spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. This schedule allows your skin to respond and regenerate effectively, ensuring you achieve the desired improvements in texture and tone.

Reveal The Best Version Of Yourself

Beautifully New is dedicated to offering natural-looking results that help you look and feel like your best self. Our treatments are measured to provide outcomes that align with your goals. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of MOXI Laser, schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to radiant, prejuvenated skin. Let your inner beauty shine.

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